CAHF welcomes housing provider applications

The Calgary Affordable Housing Foundation (CAHF) fundraises for below-market affordable housing projects in Calgary. CAHF selects affordable housing projects through an application process and intake form. The form is available on request by emailing

CAHF reviews applications from non-profit housing organizations on an ongoing basis. Non-profit housing providers must meet the following criteria:

  • Providers must be a Canadian Charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.

  • Providers must provide a minimum of five net new affordable housing units in new capital builds, renovations, and other capital initiatives as deemed appropriate.

  • Providers and projects must be financially viable and sustainable.

  • Proposals for specialized housing must demonstrate that funding is in place for any planned onsite social or mental health support workers.

  • Projects must have a minimum of 10 per cent of the housing units at minimum rent and maximum of 30 per cent of the units at market and near-market rent.

  • Housing providers must demonstrate organizational readiness and capacity to develop, deliver, and operate the proposed housing project.

  • Projects must align with the local housing needs assessment (where applicable) to provide affordable housing in an area of demonstrated need.

  • Providers must make a commitment that affordable housing units will remain affordable for a minimum of 20 years or longer, depending on the rental model.

Housing providers interested in partnering with CAHF for fundraising are invited to contact us by
